There is about three weeks left of school and I am already becoming lazy. Lately, I have been slacking off by not completing all of my homework assignments. I also have not put as much effort as I did in the beginning of the semester to obtain good grades. I think all the stress and hard work I had endured in the beginning of the semester has finally gotten to me that I need some time off from school. Sometimes I think I should have attended a school with a quarter system.
I think there are a variety of other reasons that have contributed to my lack of motivation in school. One reason: what I want to do after college. I have one year left of school and I am already having doubts. Later on in life, I do not want to tell myself “I should have done so and so.”
My doubts about graduating from college have recently come to my attention. At first, I did not have any doubts; however, when my friends tell me negative stories about their experiences after college, it scares me a bit. Maybe it scares me too much that maybe I am not ready to face the real world after I graduate.
When I look at my friends who have already graduated from college, I notice their difficulties of getting a job. One of my friends decided to take a permanent position in the company he has interned for; however, I do not understand why he continues to work there when he claims that it is not what he wants to do. He only works there because it pays well. I understand it pays well, but why continue a job if it is not what you want to do in life?
My other friend, who has also graduated with a business major, still works as a server. I am pretty certain that that is not what she wants to do for the rest of her life. I wonder if she has also encountered difficulties of getting a better job.
Lastly, my best friend has applied to a handful of jobs. She has even had a couple of interviews, but still no luck. I thought it was suppose to be easy to get a job with a degree. I do not understand why my friends are finding it difficult to get a good job. If that is what life is like after graduating from college, I am
not looking forward to it.
Of course I want to graduate as soon as possible; but, after seeing my friends’ experiences, life after college does not seem exciting. It is also not as motivating! However, no matter how much I want to graduate from college as soon as possible, I think I should stop worrying about will happen after I graduate.