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"The key to wisdom is this -- constant and frequent questioning ... for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth."
-Peter Abelard




August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007


Thanksgiving Shopping
Not Soon Enough
Internet Shopping
Why I Hate Winter
"Here birdie, birdie!"
Reflecting on American Pleasures
The Real Monsters of Halloween
Saying Bye to Halo 3
Six Years and Three Days


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Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Shopping

It seems to me that the only thing people think about with Thanksgiving Day is Black Friday. As I had mentioned in my previous blog entry, I do not like shopping in the mall.

My Thanksgiving was the same as the past few years – stayed home and wait for dinner. Yesterday, people kept asking me “What time are you going shopping? What are you going to buy? What mall are you going to?” I cannot believe some of my friends decided to go shopping at midnight. I also cannot believe that some stores and the Great Mall even chose to open at midnight. I heard that people were already waiting in line in front of Best Buy at around 6 p.m. yesterday.

I thought the purpose of Black Friday was to buy Christmas gifts at reasonable prices. It seems as if people take advantage of the sales for themselves, because I know I would! Although Christmas is about a month away, I have no idea what to buy for my family.

Today, I did not plan on going to the mall; however, my friend and I were bored so we decided to go to the mall. After arguing about who should drive, I decided to drive even though I knew getting a parking spot would be difficult. By the way, I almost got in another car accident on the way to the mall’s parking garage. The driver did not bother using the middle lane and immediately tried to enter my lane! I do not know how she cannot see me and not bother to stop. Crazy driver!

I do not know why I bother to waste my time going to the mall. I think I am just hoping the mall will have something I would like, even though I know they usually do not. I did not even buy anything today. I think I should just stick to online shopping. There is only a few days left until Cyber Monday!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Not Soon Enough

There is about three weeks left of school and I am already becoming lazy. Lately, I have been slacking off by not completing all of my homework assignments. I also have not put as much effort as I did in the beginning of the semester to obtain good grades. I think all the stress and hard work I had endured in the beginning of the semester has finally gotten to me that I need some time off from school. Sometimes I think I should have attended a school with a quarter system.

I think there are a variety of other reasons that have contributed to my lack of motivation in school. One reason: what I want to do after college. I have one year left of school and I am already having doubts. Later on in life, I do not want to tell myself “I should have done so and so.”

My doubts about graduating from college have recently come to my attention. At first, I did not have any doubts; however, when my friends tell me negative stories about their experiences after college, it scares me a bit. Maybe it scares me too much that maybe I am not ready to face the real world after I graduate.

When I look at my friends who have already graduated from college, I notice their difficulties of getting a job. One of my friends decided to take a permanent position in the company he has interned for; however, I do not understand why he continues to work there when he claims that it is not what he wants to do. He only works there because it pays well. I understand it pays well, but why continue a job if it is not what you want to do in life?

My other friend, who has also graduated with a business major, still works as a server. I am pretty certain that that is not what she wants to do for the rest of her life. I wonder if she has also encountered difficulties of getting a better job.

Lastly, my best friend has applied to a handful of jobs. She has even had a couple of interviews, but still no luck. I thought it was suppose to be easy to get a job with a degree. I do not understand why my friends are finding it difficult to get a good job. If that is what life is like after graduating from college, I am not looking forward to it.

Of course I want to graduate as soon as possible; but, after seeing my friends’ experiences, life after college does not seem exciting. It is also not as motivating! However, no matter how much I want to graduate from college as soon as possible, I think I should stop worrying about will happen after I graduate.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Internet Shopping

There are many reasons I prefer to shop online rather than in the store. First of all, shopping online is more convenient. Online stores carry an array of merchandise in an organized fashion. On a store’s website, clothes can be categorized by sweaters, pants, jackets or long sleeve shirts. However, in the store, the store associates mix-match the clothes and put them all around the store. It is harder to see what kind of selections the store carries. I also find myself constantly walking around the store while carrying a handful of clothes in order to compare what clothes I like best.

Shopping online for my size is easier to find than in the store. Since I am a size small, the chances of finding my size in the store are relatively slim. Usually, the clothes that do come in my size are those that are not my style.

Although shopping in the store helps me to feel the quality of the clothes, I do not like a store when it is messy. Untidiness is one of my pet peeves. I appreciate the employees’ efforts of walking around the store, continuously refolding clothes and neatly placing them back on the tables. Each time an associate properly fixes the clothes, a few minutes later the clothes are usually thrown back on the floor or on another table by a customer.

When a store offers a “one day” sale or puts a lot of its merchandise on clearance, that is the worse time to shop. A store becomes packed with customers making it difficult to walk around the store and shop. The only things that are noticeable in a store during that time are customers pushing and shoving other customers around, and throwing clothes all over the place. No matter how cheap clothes can cost on those particular days, I still do not prefer to buy clothes that have been on the floor and stepped on! In my opinion, shopping online is more convenient because I do not have to deal with mess, pushy customers, and my clothes and size are easier to find.

I will admit that there is a drawback to shopping online because there is a shipping and handling fee. Sometimes, shipping and handling fees can become very expensive. However, I think it is worth to pay the extra cost because my size is available, the clothes come in good condition, and most all, there is no waiting in line!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Why I Hate Winter

Every time it is winter, I try to avoid catching a cold or fever because I hate being sick. I do not understand why my friends do not worry about getting sick. I wonder if my friends have any respect for their body.

I heard it is alright to be sick once in awhile. Being sick is beneficial because it allows a person’s immune system to develop antibodies. However, my overprotected mother disagrees. Before I step outside the house, my mother would always make sure I do not leave home without a jacket. She tells me, “Keep an extra jacket in your car, for just in case! You never know, you might get stranded somewhere!” I know my mom is being considerate by watching out for me; however, it is not as if I will be driving too far from home.

What I do not understand about my mother is that she truly wants me to avoid getting sick at all costs! She claims that at my age, getting sick will be harder to diagnose! She tells me how there are some dangerous viruses out there and constantly reminds me to be careful and to take care of myself.

Since my mother has been a nurse for more than 20 years, she tells me about her patients and their serious health related problems at her work. One day she told me about a lady, younger than me, who already has breast cancer. I thought a woman could only get breast cancer when she is older. However, that is not the case. My mom claims that after a woman turns 18, she is susceptible to breast cancer. That is a little frightening to me. After my mom told me about the young lady with breast cancer, she continued to tell me how I should check myself once in awhile and to let her know if I feel any bumps at all. When I have a headache or if I cough to clear my throat, immediately my mother questions me if I am sick. When I start to show signs of getting sick, my mom makes me take medicine, especially antibiotics! She believes I should take medicine right away before I get any worse.

Therefore, when I started to have a sore throat last week, I knew I was going to get sick! In order to avoid being lectured by my mother about how I do not take care of myself, I decided to take medicine without her knowing it. I thought it would help ease my throat; but, it did not help at all. I started to lose my voice during work and for the next few days, I could not talk at all. I managed to stay away from my mother on the days I could not talk. I really did not want to hear her lecture to me. When my throat got a little better, I started to talk to her. She noticed how my voice sounded different and asked me if I was getting sick. I just told her that my throat is sore. Luckily, since my throat was sore and I could not talk much, I was able to avoid explaining to my mother how I lost my voice.