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"The key to wisdom is this -- constant and frequent questioning ... for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth."
-Peter Abelard




August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007


Not Soon Enough
Internet Shopping
Why I Hate Winter
"Here birdie, birdie!"
Reflecting on American Pleasures
The Real Monsters of Halloween
Saying Bye to Halo 3
Six Years and Three Days
A Handbook for Car Drivers


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Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Shopping

It seems to me that the only thing people think about with Thanksgiving Day is Black Friday. As I had mentioned in my previous blog entry, I do not like shopping in the mall.

My Thanksgiving was the same as the past few years – stayed home and wait for dinner. Yesterday, people kept asking me “What time are you going shopping? What are you going to buy? What mall are you going to?” I cannot believe some of my friends decided to go shopping at midnight. I also cannot believe that some stores and the Great Mall even chose to open at midnight. I heard that people were already waiting in line in front of Best Buy at around 6 p.m. yesterday.

I thought the purpose of Black Friday was to buy Christmas gifts at reasonable prices. It seems as if people take advantage of the sales for themselves, because I know I would! Although Christmas is about a month away, I have no idea what to buy for my family.

Today, I did not plan on going to the mall; however, my friend and I were bored so we decided to go to the mall. After arguing about who should drive, I decided to drive even though I knew getting a parking spot would be difficult. By the way, I almost got in another car accident on the way to the mall’s parking garage. The driver did not bother using the middle lane and immediately tried to enter my lane! I do not know how she cannot see me and not bother to stop. Crazy driver!

I do not know why I bother to waste my time going to the mall. I think I am just hoping the mall will have something I would like, even though I know they usually do not. I did not even buy anything today. I think I should just stick to online shopping. There is only a few days left until Cyber Monday!